“Write For Us” Technology Write For Us - Tech Blogs Write For Us

“Write for Us Technology” Blog that Accept Sponsored Posts. “Tech Write for Us” or Submit Guest Post on Technology Blog if you “Want to Write for” + Tech Blogs.

Hello and Welcome to The PepeJam

We are always looking for authors to write for us technology blogs, technology content, tech articles and more. Please send your requests only after reading the guest post guidelines below:

How We Publish:

  • Length: Content should be 600 to 1200 words or more.
  • Unique: Content must be unique and not published anywhere else.
  • Hyperlink: Please do not add more than one link of your website.
  • Images: Images should be in JPG or PNG format (sent in one zip file).
  • Format: Structured content with subheadings, bullets, quotes, and images.
  • Content File: Submit your article in Microsoft Word doc or HTML file.

What We Cover:

We cover everything in technology industry including but not limited to:

  • Tech News
  • Tech Events
  • Tech Reviews
  • Fintech News
  • Tech Business
  • Tech Start-ups
  • Tech industry
  • Silicon Valley
  • Tech Innovation
  • Venture Capital

Apart from tech, some other topics that we also accept guest post for:

  • Apps & Software
  • Bitcoin / Crypto
  • Branding Strategies
  • Business Ideas
  • Digital Marketing
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Gaming Industry
  • Product Reviews
  • Retail / Ecommerce
  • Startup / Venture Capital

Approval of content may take up to 3 business days and content will be published within 2 weeks. We’ll send you an email once content is published.

How To Submit:

Congratulations If you have made it this far. To submit your request, please email your content or ideas to thepepejam [AT] gmail [DOT] com with Subject: “Interested in Guest Posting – Your Name”. We will get back to you as soon as we can. 

Important: for Paid Guest Posts, we’re accepting payments via Payoneer only. If you don’t have a Payoneer account please signup here